Tiny Living and Caretakers

What ways can your land provide opportunities for Support & Income Streams?

Land owners, more often than not, need a more practical help when developing and maintaing sustainable lands, enjoying the learning opportunities that come with the practical experience and witness to the changes first hand without all the hard work & time consumption. There are numerous ways we can assist in this and how you can benefit from it.  

While advocates of mobile living supporting properties and homesteaders alike, our organisation supports the processes required in negotiating the legistlations that surround the topic, allowing both the land owner and caretaker a sense of security over the agreements with complete disclodure on the requirements and limitations as guided by Local Councils, building designs and regulations to watch out for. 

While the Tiny House movement has taken a focus on where minimalism left off, the vast arrays of Tiny living continues to grow from the original format, a cabin in the woods. Having followed this movement with an historical practical interest of ethical building techniques we are grateful to have had this broader understanding since before the term was coined. 

For practical reasons, as like any permacultural design, each case is as individual as the land for it, the councils (LGA) regulations around it and the capacity for loopholes within them, the ultimate skill in the ethics of land management, putting Stewardship as priority. 

In a community based economy we find potential to build relationships around each others needs, strengthening our resources locally and enhancing the whole with its long-term vision of Fair Share. If you are interested in making a change for the future on your land and would like a level of help in development / maintenance call Jason today to discuss the posibilities of our caretakers, stewards of your land.

"Solutions to our lifestyle choices have been perfectly crafted by Jason and his Nutritional Permaculture knowledge.
James Thompson
Pomona QLD
Taking our health into consideration, Jason mapped the way forward for us to get the most out of our 50's after years of neglect. Feels like we are living for the first time!
Heather Lonsdale
Peregian Beach Qld
Knowing how to talk on sustainability as a selling point to potential buyers has made properties sell faster in the last years as buyers want more value that they can own immediately.
Michael Madden
Rural realestate agent QLD

Want to begin edible gardening?

Download one of our starter packs of seasonal garden designs incorporating all the information you will need to begin transforming your old garden into a Food Forest Today!