Greenhands Organics

Nutritional focus food systems of any scale can be custom designed for your health & wellbeing for life ahead as we know now more than ever, health is the real wealth.

Our alignment to your longevity has pioneered the future of sustainable farming systems and natural health for decades as a science that put's the power of wellness in your yard with the skills to succeed. Its as easy as that.

Greenhands Organics

 Edible Organic gardens to suit your lifestyle, dietary needs, available space and desired outcomes for the life and level of self sustainability that you want to live withinin.

While every property, unique in size, location, aspect, soil/water availability and the natural and neighbouring environmental conditions, has it's varying abilities and limitations, our tailor made design fundamentals on ease and success ensure the owners get the most out of their investment for decades to come with the least energy spent. 

From our educational programs to our CSA market gardens, we can either teach you to grow yourself, develop the designs and landscape your area, provide heirloom organic seed supplies or send our 'Farmy' to grow the food for you on your land as a Perma Blitz innitiative for the greates gains to your future needs. With teams all over the country ready and experienced in your area, the Greenhands Farmy division of Sustainability Property Group is armed and ready to create offset and residual income potential... 

Our rural, residential and urban design plans can be made available from Land Area Plans (LAP's) specifically to your property along with access to satellite mapping for permaculture & syntropic designs and if required, earthworks available from our partners.(SEQLD & NNSW) 

Having witnessed the current shifts in our global situation, one thing seems certain and thats resillience is key to having choices in a forseeable future.

Sustainability Property Group is here to help you with that.

Value Adding

From reduced living expenses, increased health and immune resillience to projecting values of food security, self sufficiency and investment opportunities of future property sales we help your land look after you.

Listening for Solutions

Taylor made to your needs we develop food systems as medicine, property designs as food forests, power systems as essential backup and education on it all with the required economic viability on finances, lifestlye and investments to suit the individual.

Organic Premiums

Raising standards in property classification with over 3 decades of Organic/ Biodynamic/ Permaculture development for added value to your land, lifestyle, health and prosperity.

Growing food conveniently, nutritionally and ethically is your Health assurance

As food becomes a focus on everyones lips our Edible Landscape division, Greenhands Organics brings its experience to a plate on the table in front of you.

Witness some of our ideas over the last 30 years...

Building Brand New Beds with GREENHANDS ORGANICS

Work through the videos as Jason explains his motives and actions in creating 40m2 of Double Dug dressed terraced garden beds from scratch in a weekend of earth works that will feed this property for years.. 

"Solutions to our lifestyle choices have been perfectly crafted by Jason and his Nutritional Permaculture knowledge.
James Thompson
Pomona QLD
Taking our health into consideration, Jason mapped the way forward for us to get the most out of our 50's after years of neglect. Feels like we are living for the first time!
Heather Lonsdale
Peregian Beach Qld
Knowing how to talk on sustainability as a selling point to potential buyers has made properties sell faster in the last years as buyers want more value that they can own immediately.
Michael Madden
Rural realestate agent QLD

Design your Food Forest with style!

No matter what size land you have, acreage, residential or apartment, with our background in Urban farming systems, broad acre organics and to scale acreage and urban permacultural designs, Sustainability Property has the advantage for you of pioneering the way forward in food system of the future since 1989. 

Want to begin edible gardening?

Download one of our starter packs of seasonal garden designs incorporating all the information you will need to begin transforming your old garden into a Food Forest Today!